Classes Offered


Introduction to Team Policy Debate: Taught by Daniel Thomas, nationally ranked debater and fourth-year debate coach, this class will cover the fundamentals of team policy debate, teach the skills required for effective communication, persuasion, and refutation, and give students a deeper understanding of the world around them. The class is perfect for those interested in competing in the NCFCA, those simply wanting to construct effective arguments, and everyone in between. Assisting instructors: Joel and Philip Thomas, Thomas Goodwin.

"This debate class is a great way to get introduced to the basics of debate. Daniel covers much in the class, including both Affirmative and Negative strategy and how to write and present a case. The information learned in this class can be used beyond the realm of Speech and Debate however. He touches on the subjects of logic and public speaking, so this class can serve you beyond the high school debate years.
Daniel's class is engaging and fun. Complete with icebreakers and a homelike atmosphere, his class is certainly not boring or uncomfortable. Daniel keeps his students interest by presenting interesting and engaging examples from the real world.
Most important of all, however, is how Daniel begins each and every class--with a bible study and a prayer. Daniel keeps Christ central to debate and reminds us that our 'speech must be seasoned with salt' (Colossians 4:6) and that God will guide us in debating wisely." 

- former student, 2011 class

Introduction to Speech: Taught by Daniel Thomas, regionally ranked speech competitor, and Joel Thomas, nationally ranked speech competitor and second-year speech coach. This class will cover all speech events offered by the NCFCA, including platform speeches like biographical narrative and original oratory, limited prep speeches like extemporaneous and impromptu, and interpretative events like Duo Interpretation and Humorous Interpretation. The class is suitable for anyone, with any level of experience, from none at all, to those interested in competing. Regardless of the student, the class will further his or her communication skills and public speaking confidence.

"Thank you for all you have done this year. I have gained so much from this class. I feel comfortable in front of people, and that will help me with school and everything else. Thanks again."
- former student, 2012 class

A Veterans' Debate Club is being discussed.

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